Outplacement Services

Guidance and resources for employees during career transition.

Powering Careers

Right Management partners with organizations undergoing layoffs to support exiting employees compassionately and comprehensively as they transition to their next great career move quickly and with greater confidence. Our outplacement programs are tailored to transitioning employees of all levels, creating a customized experience that best meets their job search needs.

For the Organization:

  • Needs analysis and solutions recommendations
  • Full-spectrum RIF collaboration and management
  • Communication plan development
  • Focused implementation plan
  • Notifier training and day of event support
  • Post event outreach and measurement

For the Exiting Individual:

  • Guidance from a professional career coach
  • Resume and LinkedIn profile development
  • Networking opportunities and virtual career fairs
  • Interviewing and negotiating practice and advice
  • Exploration of alternate career paths or retirement
  • Wellbeing resources and compassionate care

The Negative Impact of Layoffs

More likely to develop a new health condition the in first 18 months after being laid off
0 %
Individuals rank experiencing job loss among the top 10 most stressful life experiences
0 th
Average amount of time it takes for an individual to recover from psychological effects of job loss
0 Yrs
Long term decrease in compensation relative to the peers who were not laid off
- 0 %
The average cost of a data breach caused by disgruntled employees can cost up to 3 million
0 M

Why Provide Outplacement?

Positive Career Outcomes

Provide transitioning employees with comprehensive support and guidance for the next step in their career journey.

Protected Brand Image

A positive transition experience reinforces brand values internally and externally when visibility and risk are high.

Value for Spend

Faster landing rates reduce unemployment costs and reassure retained employees, helping them focus on performance.

The Positive Impact of Outplacement

of individuals in Outplacement reported positive experiences and program satisfaction
0 %
of participants in Outplacement land a new job 2X faster than those who are unsupported
0 x
of people who utilize an Outplacement program are better prepared for their job search
0 %
of Outplacement participants have an increased positive view of their former employer
0 %

The Right Outplacement for Any Employee

Executive Outplacement

Provides transitioning executives with an elevated, bespoke experience to land and succeed in their next role.

Individual Outplacement

Prepares and supports professionals to accelerate their career transition and land their next best-fit opportunity.

Group Outplacement

Equips wage-earning employees with resources and training to confidently re-enter the job market.

Connect With Us

At Right Management Great Lakes, we help companies provide incredible employee experiences to hire, develop, retain, and support their people. We’d love to help your company with an employee experience strategy, but we need more info first. Kindly submit the form, and a Right Management team member will reach out within 24 hours.