Key Talent & Flight Risks

Leadership Coaching and Development Assessments: Pause and focus. Your best people will leave without investment.

A Great Employee Experience Deters Attrition

Your highest potential employees have many career options, and they’re the most likely to leave your business. Record numbers of them are fleeing their current workplace to pursue other paths or competitive companies. Today, a high percentage feel disconnected. Burnout is real. Attrition is costly. Recent studies show that a company’s monetary loss can be as high as 33% of one employee’s salary when the person leaves.

You can defeat attrition. Valued employees will stay if their bond with the organization and immediate leader is strong. People crave trust, recognition, flexibility, relationships, and purpose. To answer those needs, you must invest in each unique employee’s current experience and future path, by helping them create the future that means the most to them.

U.S. workers left their employers in one year; the reshuffling rate will increase
1 M
of high-potential employees cite having no individual growth path as a reason for leaving
1 %
feel disconnected from their company mission and leadership
1 %+

The Solution: Emerging Leader Coaching

Right Management knows that an investment in your emerging leaders and high potential colleagues reaps priceless rewards, today and for the future. Our multi-level coaching programs are ideal to attract,  foster and retain highly talented employees and emerging leaders. Through detailed assessment, and individualized coaching, the programs deepen awareness of singular paths to success; clarify and plan for future opportunities; enhance organizational bonds; strengthen relationships; and transform behaviors to accelerate individual development. Investing in talented colleagues, to ensure they are reaching highest potential, always strengthens both them and your organization, today and in years to come.

The foundation Momentum program provides a clear path for individual employee development. It includes the results of science-based assessment, objective feedback, and debriefing; the joint creation of an agreed growth plan; alignment with organizational goals/mission; and two in-depth coaching sessions with an expert. 

For emerging high potential employees, an investment in our 3-month or 6-month program reaps substantial benefits.  To the foundation Momentum program, these packages add either 6 or 12 additional coaching sessions (2 per month) for vital feedback, counsel, and expert insight. Each program includes detailed progress reviews, empowering course correction; sustainable plans; ongoing future development roadmaps; rigorous evaluation. 

In this challenging economic environment, even the most seasoned C-level leader can use help. Our proven executive coaching program provides an individual leader with vital support that makes all the difference between success and failure.  It includes rigorous assessment; alignment with goals/mission; a unique plan to maximize talents; 24 one-to-one coaching sessions; checkpoints to determine progress; and the development of sustainable ongoing plans to carry the leader to new heights of success. 

The Results that Count

People leaving, without warning and a disciplined method for knowledge transfer, are the greatest risk to your continued organizational success. Your employees leave for many reasons – but some are under your control. Give them a career path. Give them resources to grow, learn, and become even more productive. Turn your talent into your treasure. At Right Management Great Lakes, we have over 40 years of successful experience, helping leaders like you foster the highest potential people on your teams.  With our help, they will deliver results, that count. 

Connect With Us

At Right Management, Great Lakes, we help companies provide incredible employee experiences to hire, retain, develop, and support their people. We’d love to help your company with an employee experience strategy, but we need more info first. Kindly submit the form, and a Right Management team member will reach out within 24 hours.