The way organizations support departing employees impacts company culture, employment brand and reputation with current and future clients.

In times of uncertainty and financial stress, it's important to support your alumni while protecting your business with virtual outplacement services that are...



No cookie cutter, theoretical solutions. Realistic support that helps people plan for a successful future.



One size doesn’t fit all. We’re flexible and tailor services to deliver quality support without breaking your budget.



Our career experts help people gain self-awareness, identify and close skills gaps all while balancing the stresses of career ambiguity.

The Challenge

We’re in uncharted waters. Financial pressure continues to mount and for many organizations cherished, loyal employees will have to leave the business. The question is how do companies effectively manage this challenging reality?

Organizations looking to provide support for departing employees while managing budget constraints need an outplacement partner with flexibility, scale and a track record of success.

Former employees entering a job market in a state of upheaval creates serious stress and anxiety. Canned solutions won’t work. Experts are needed.

Why Right Management?

Right Management has over 40 years of experience helping businesses provide critical support to departing employees. We’ve helped thousands of businesses and professionals weather economic uncertainty. Our hard-earned expertise has prepared us for the realities of today.

Career Experts

Our career experts and coaches are powered by a market-leading digital reskilling platform that accelerates candidate success. We have the experience, tools and the know-how to navigate today’s job market.

Brand Builders

We help candidates see their experience through a different lens. Rather than being disgruntled former employees, we develop brand advocates who use lessons from past experience to build a brighter future.

Real People

We are real people helping real people.  Transition is tough and we’re no strangers to motivating through adversity. We offer practical advice to practical people because it works!

Our Winning Formula


We have spent decades developing and refining our process to meet the needs of a constantly-changing job market. We’re humble experts, we’ve seen a lot and done a lot, but we are always innovating to stay ahead of the curve.


We are experienced teachers, coaches marketers and networkers committed to building talent communities across the Great Lakes region and the globe.


Our RightEverywhere digital learning platform offers thousands of courses, webinars and learning modules aimed at helping people not only find jobs, but develop new and in-demand skills!

What People Say

"Right Management gave me control after a time I had lost complete control. Being assured right away that I wouldn’t be on my own was really good. I met my coach and I sat down with him and he really broke it down into bite-sized, manageable pieces. My coach said, “think about who you are.” And, that’s honestly something that I’ve never done in a professional way, ever. And, that might have been one of the most empowering things to happen to me this year."
"I know that companies have laid people off and left them out to dry. Then, they’re helpless. I can’t fathom what that feeling must be like. I’m very thankful I didn’t have that. And, investing in outplacement sounds like not just the right thing to do, but the only thing to do. "
Favorable view
1 %

Percent of candidates who have a favorable view of their former employer after services

1 %

Percent of candidates who secure a role with the same or higher levels of compensation

Weeks to Employment

On average candidates find employment in 14 weeks, half the national average

Why Clients Work with Us

We Are Passionate About Potential

We seek out the potential in our clients and in one other, and do everything we can to direct that potential toward great things.

We Are Empathetic, But Direct

We speak the truth, even when it’s hard. But we also embrace empathy, never losing sight of the real people that we impact every day.

We See the Bigger Picture

We see the forest and the trees. We find solutions to help our clients today, but are constantly on the lookout for what’s coming tomorrow.

We Are a Go-To

We want our clients to have us on speed dial, right next to their emergency contacts and their local pizza joint. Or better yet, we should be so plugged in to the issues that keep them up at night that we call them first.

We Serve With Kindness

We’re likeable. Always willing to lend a hand. Team players and unabashed cheerleaders. Someone you trust and enjoy being around.

We Never Settle

We are compelled to push for more, better, and never-been-done-before. Energized by possibilities, and not afraid to ask “Why?” and “What If?”.

No One Wants To Be A Human Resource

People are not interchangeable parts. They are at the heart of what we do, and we treat them with the respect they deserve.