Highlights & Recommendations

Successfully Transitioned Over 1,250 People in 2022

Moving Forward...

Brand perception remains a critical consideration.  Simply put, our best clients utilize us in part to ensure their departing alumni, as well as their family and friends, remain loyal customers of the brand and recommend Ford Motor Company as an employer of choice! 

We feel good about the process built between Ford Motor Company and Right Management. We recommend carrying forward the pre-event planning support, post-notification wellness check, and ongoing progress checks..  

Hear from Your Alumni

You Decided to Make a Difference in their Lives

“Losing my job felt a bit like losing my identity. I lost my routine, my community of work colleagues, and my confidence. Right Management helped me regain my confidence and develop a plan that worked for me.”

“I know that companies have laid people off and left them out to dry. I’m very thankful I didn’t have that. And, investing in outplacement sounds like not just the right thing to do, but the only thing to do.”

Important Observations

We Noticed Some Interesting Trends...

1 %

Preparedness for a Search

Directly after separation, 75% of Ford candidate's felt prepared for a job search.

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Positive View of Ford

80% of candidates would still recommend Ford as a place to work, and have an overall positive view of Ford.​

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Likelihood to Recommend

After completing their program with Right Management, 87% of your transitioned employees would still purchase and recommend Ford's products.

Prevailing Sentiments

Coaches noticed that most candidates were skeptical and cynical. Candidates were pannicked and wanted to move quickly to beat others to market.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Right Management needed to incorporate stress management and wellbeing into intake and engagement.


Candidates were more reluctant than past cohorts to put in the work needed to progress quickly. Large connection between length of tenure and gaps in marketable skills and readiness.

Project Volume & utilization

Candidates Referred and Program Usage

Candidates Referred: 36

Candidates Started: 29

Utilization 81%

North American Benchmark: 70%

Candidates Referred: 1785

Candidates Started: 1320

Utilization 76%

North American Benchmark: 65%

Successful Job Landings

Landed Candidates vs Active Candidates

Landed 35%

Survey data updated as of 3/3/2023. Includes responses from 66 of the landed Ford candidates as of 3/3/2023. 

Active 65%

2,697 survey results compared to all active clients for Right Management in NA in 2022 through 3/3/2023

National Average = 69%
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National Average = 6%
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National Average = 45%
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National Average = 47%
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Program Satisfaction & Top Resources

Candidate Survey Results

Response Count = 3,576

TouchPoint Score Count = 1,744

As global outplacement leaders, we take Ford’s candidate experience seriously. At the end of each coaching touchpoint, event, seminar, etc., we randomly sample an externally valid population of candidates to determine satisfaction and uncover areas for improvement. 

This data is updated monthly and reflects 2022 to 3/3/2023 info for all Ford candidates as of 3/3/2023.

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Top Resources Used throughout their Program

Need to Contact Your Account Manager, Shantel?

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